As one of the main sessions of the 18th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo, ChinaFinancial Summit 2015, centering on “financial innovation and financial services under thepolicy of ‘new normal'” is being held on May 12 and 13 at Beijing Financial Street.
The term “new normal” gained ground in China in May last year, and it is used to describe theneed to remain cool-headed as economic growth slows.
“First, the contribution rate made by scientific innovation to the economy has declined as thegaps in high-tech research and development area between China and developed countriesgradually decrease,” Zhu said.
“Another reason is that there is still a lack of practical applications in the nation during thetransformation process from science and technology into productivity, particularly incommercial business activities,” he added.
TFP is the portion of output not explained by the amount of input used in production. As such,its level is determined by how efficiently and intensely the inputs are utilized in production.
Zhu said the “new normal” of China’s economy presents three characteristics.
After experiencing an annual 9.7 percent growth rate in gross domestic product over morethan three decades, China should focus its new growth more on quality, energy savings andenvironmental protection.
Second, the nation has to pay more attention to economic structure reform, focusing onsolving deep-seated problems that accumulated during the years of long-term, rapiddevelopment. This will maintain the health and sustainability of the economic development.
Third is the switch from traditional, factor-driven economic growth to innovation-driveneconomic growth.
Parallel sessions, round table discussions and closed door meetings, which will focus ondevelopment of Internet finance and financial credit and risk prevention, will be held duringthe two day event.
Other topics will include corporate mergers and acquisitions and IPOs, investment on theNew Third Board, opportunities and challenges facing the Belt and Road Initiative and theoutlook of the renminbi’s internationalization process.
Li Dongrong, former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China; András Simor, chieffinancial officer and vice president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD); Yi Huiman, president of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and another 11officials and financial experts delivered speeches during the opening ceremony.