Xinhua News Agency President Cai Mingzhao met separately with Pavel Negoitsa, general director of Russia’s Rossiyskaya Gazeta, and Americo Martins Dos Santos, president of the Brazil Communication Company, in Beijing on Wednesday.
The meeting was held after the first BRICS media summit, where leaders of 25 media organizations from BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) vowed to strengthen their cooperation.
The summit showcased the common will of the five countries to strengthen their voice and presence on international issues and to jointly cope with challenges, Cai said.
He told Negoitsa that he hoped Xinhua and Rossiyskaya Gazeta could share news products, and work together in researching and developing news technology.
In meeting with Dos Santos, Cai said media organizations of China and Brazil are facing broad prospects for cooperation. He said he hoped Xinhua and the Brazil Communication Company could conduct more joint interviews and cooperate in new media.

The foreign guests spoke highly of the one-day summit.
The BRICS Media Summit, with the theme of “Innovation, Development, Cooperation and Trust,” was proposed by Xinhua and jointly organized by the Brazil Communication Company, Russia Today International Information Agency, The Hindu Group and South Africa’s Independent Media.
In the presidium meeting one day before the summit, the co-organizers agreed on cooperative initiatives including setting up a liaison office for the BRICS Media Summit, establishing a BRICS Media Foundation, setting up BRICS Media Journalism Awards, holding a joint photo exhibition, training journalists, and jointly covering the G20 Summit in 2016.