The South African human settlements sector is under significantly heavy stress as the demand for residential housing rapidly outstrips the country’s ability to meet it.
This unique modular interlocking building block (MIBB) was designed by Augmentis; the dimensions of the blocks are 150mm x 300mm and require a fairly low skill level to construct.
The system is also extremely beneficial as there is no waste or breakage involved in the construction process.
Traditional building methods have been associated with the requirement of skilled artisans, difficulty in attaining required tolerances, great consumption of time and materials, poor standards of workmanship and a high percentage of waste.
MIBB has all the necessary characteristics of a quality construction system that allows it to add value. It is affordable as there is no waste, and robust in terms of structural integrity. The building blocks are durable and resistant to natural elements.
Most beneficial to end users, however is that MIBB is dimensionally consistent, making it easy to handle and transport, and ensuring that construction is simple and completed speedily.
The manufacture or MIBB deviates from the traditional approach as it uses a wet mix placed into a multiple unit mould which is then compacted via vibration and then steam-cured.
The primary market for this unique construction system is the residential housing market; however MIBB is equally suited to commercial and industrial buildings where it can be used in wet or dry-stack format.
The investment will be used to obtain further moulds needed to make a sufficient quantity of blocks to construct a demonstration building or structure, as well as for research and development to identify and remedy any omissions or oversights in design.
MIBB will be introduced to the built-environment professionals as well as the Department of Human Settlements, the NHBRC (National Home Builder Registration Council) and other professional societies and associations, including the SAPOA (South African Property Owners Association), SAFCEC (South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors), BIFSA and MBSA (Master Builders South Africa), NAFBI (the National African Federation for Building Industry), the Concrete Society of South Africa and the Concrete Masonry Association of South Africa and others.